Experience and Enjoy the Health Benefits of Quinoa

Whatever season it is, of course we always want to be looking good, sexy and fab, and because as Virgil says, "The greatest health is wealth", we are always on the lookout for healthy diets and exercises. We've heard many fads about weight loss, we've learned the ins and outs of these fads and have to come know they don't suit everyone and not everything is simply easy to follow.
health benefits of quinoa
Health benefits of Quinoa
Well, well, look what I got here, a surprise food that just might be the answer to your diet needs - whether weight loss, or plain healthy living. No, it's not plain oatmeal with fiber; it's not even salmon or any omega-rich seafood; nor the very healthy malunggay; neither the energy rich banana - it's some combination of almost all the healthy foods you know. The health benefits of Quinoa will really surprise you.
Quinoa, pronounced as "keen-WAH", is the superfood I am telling you of. It is a quasi-grain rich with almost all the essential nutrients your body needs. It has long been the complete food of the Inca tribe, residing in the Andes Mountains of South America. When I say complete food, you don't need to do a double-take. You're seeing it right, and that's a fact. Quinoa grains are a source of complete nutrition - it's a go, grow and glow food. I know... the health benefits of Quinoa are really awesome.

This superfood is cooked the same way as rice grains. 1 cup makes 3 cups after preparation. This 1 cup contains so many nutrients. It has potassium, sodium, zinc, folate, phosphorous, glycine, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, lysine, the right amount of calories and fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, iron, good carbohydrates, protein, fiber, Vitamin B, and a lot more. Now I won't talk about all the good effects of all these nutrition from Quinoa, I'll leave that to be written in a book (wink). I'll just mention the main nutrients and the equivalent health benefits of Quinoa.
Let's start with the minerals found in this nutritious grain. We have Calcium and Potassium which keeps our bones and teeth strong and is needed by the body to ensure our muscles and nerves function properly. They are essential to the blood and are crucial to heart function. They ensure proper function of all our body organs they also aid in normal digestion. Iron, which is the main component of our red blood cells, fights exhaustion for us and makes our immune system stronger, plus maintains a beautiful skin tone, provides energy, promotes normal growth and development and mental alertness. Finally, we have Zinc. Talk about having a strong immunity against diseases, wound healing and better eyesight when you age. All these health benefits, you can have from these four Quinoa minerals.
Additional help in making the muscles and tissues in our body strong and functioning properly, as well helping us build a stronger immune system, comes from Protein in Quinoa; this is partly due to the balanced composition of its essential amino acids.
From muscle functioning, we go to muscle building and provision of energy. All these benefits come from Quinoa's good Carbohydrates; and what better way to describe how good these carbs are, but to tell you that good carbohydrates lower your cravings for junk foods... Losing weight naturally and gaining firmness, while still having the energy, has never been this easier. And because Quinoa has carbohydrates enough to keep us healthy, it also keeps us beautiful because it contains Vitamin B. This antioxidant protects us from harmful free radicals and helps alleviate our stress about aging and being sick and all, because we'll no longer need to worry about cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin B in Quinoa is there to do this for us.
Finally, we have fiber! It doesn't matter if Quinoa is just a quasi-grain. It still is characteristic of such, with all the same benefits that we get from its fiber: from increasing the movement of your bowel, meaning it prevents gallstones, to being a best friend to many women today (especially our sisters who are pre-menopausal already) because it lowers their risk of developing cancer by a huge percent.
I know it's a long list, so to summarize, dear vegetarians, muscle builders, weight losers, old and young, here are some of the health benefits of Quinoa:
> Strong muscles and bones
> Relief from stress and fatigue
> Mental alertness
> Immunity against diseases (cancer, including)
> Good eyesight even until we age
> Beautiful skin
> Energy to do our everyday work
> Protection from harmful free radicals
> Increase in quality of our bowel movement
> Regular eating habits and lower craving for junk food
So what are you waiting for? Experience the many health benefits of Quinoa now and start living healthy!

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